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Spinning in niche drama? I've got you.
August 22, 2024
9:00 am - 11:00 am Pacific
10:00 am - 12:00 pm Mountain
11:00 am - 1:00 pm Central
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern
Replay provided
Spinning in niche drama? I've got you.
August 22, 2024
9:00 am - 11:00 am Pacific
10:00 am - 12:00 pm Mountain
11:00 am - 1:00 pm Central
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern
Replay provided
Can you relate to one or more of these?
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You're a coach/expert who is excited about helping people, but you know you can help everyone. How are you supposed to pick just one group? 
You have a variety of different experiences but when you try to settle on one niche you doubt whether it's the best one or the right one and it's keeping you stuck.
You know who you want to help more or less, but articulating it in a way that seems marketable is really tough.
You are afraid if you pick a niche that doesn't work you're going to waste a lot of time or money.
If you hear one more person tell you to create a client avatar you're going to scream and run.
You've had some success as a general coach and while you understand the benefit of a niche, you're questioning whether or not it's really even necessary for you. 

If you identify with some or all of these things, then you are a perfect fit for Nail Your Niche. I created this webinar because of the hundreds and hundreds of people I've seen in my years of coaching whose businesses SOAR once they finally clear up their niche drama. This topic will keep you stuck and spinning, but it doesn't have to. I can help. 

Can you relate to one or more of these? 
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You're a coach/expert who is excited about helping people, but you know you can help everyone. How are you supposed to pick just one group? 
You have a variety of different experiences but when you try to settle on one niche you doubt whether it's the best one or the right one and it's keeping you stuck.
You know who you want to help more or less, but articulating it in a way that seems marketable is really tough.
You are afraid if you pick a niche that doesn't work you're going to waste a lot of time or money.
If you hear one more person tell you to create a client avatar you're going to scream and run.
You've had some success as a general coach and while you understand the benefit of a niche, you're questioning whether or not it's really even necessary for you.

If you identify with some or all of these things, then you are a perfect fit for Nail Your Niche. I created this webinar because of the hundreds and hundreds of people I've seen in my years of coaching whose businesses SOAR once they finally clear up their niche drama. This topic will keep you stuck and spinning, but it doesn't have to. I can help. 

You'll leave this workshop with the following:  
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1. The understanding of a niche, when it's necessary (and when it's not), and Jody's process for selecting one that is easy to market and sell.

2. Real time answers to specific questions (this is a live zoom not a recorded class).

3. A list of possible niches' Jody recommends for anyone who isn't sure where to begin.

4. The confidence to offer your program to potential clients in a way that doesn't feel creepy and salsey.

5. Information about an upcoming chance to work intimately with Jody on your business this summer (and how to apply for this program). 

You'll leave this workshop with the following:  
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1. The understanding of a niche, when it's necessary (and when it's not), and Jody's process for selecting one that is easy to market and sell.

2. Real time answers to specific questions (this is a live zoom not a recorded class).

3. A list of possible niches' Jody recommends for anyone who isn't sure where to begin.

4. The confidence to offer your program to potential clients in a way that doesn't feel creepy and salsey.

5. Information about an upcoming chance to work intimately with Jody on your business this summer (and how to apply for this program). 

August 22, 2024
9:00 am - 11:00 am Pacific
10:00 am - 12:00 pm Mountain
11:00 am - 1:00 pm Central
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern
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Niche Drama

There's nothing wrong with you even if you've had niche drama for years. It's the #1 problem that nearly every new coach or expert struggles with. But when you understand why, you'll take the power away from it and take back the ability to make confident decisions and move forward.
Where to Begin

When choosing a niche, most people start by examining their experience or training and while this is a relevant topic to consider, it's the absolute worst place to begin. Learn where to start to make all of this easier. We'll do the work together to figure out a much more useful way to generate niche ideas that are specific to you in this class.
The Psychology of Buyers

While the world has changed a lot, human behavior has not changed much at all. Especially when it comes to our buying behaviors. When you understand a bit about the psychology of what we choose to spend money on, you can make a wiser decision about the niche you want to serve. 
Where to Go From Here?

Once you've chosen a niche, what happens next to create a successful coaching/ expert service business? Jody will walk you through the exact process she used to build her business and the one she's helped hundreds of others use to do the same.
Niche Drama

There's nothing wrong with you even if you've had niche drama for years. It's the #1 problem that nearly every new coach or expert struggles with. But when you understand why, you'll take the power away from it and take back the ability to make confident decisions and move forward.
Where to Begin

When choosing a niche, most people start by examining their experience or training and while this is a relevant topic to consider, it's the absolute worst place to begin. Learn where to start to make all of this easier. We'll do the work together to figure out a much more useful way to generate niche ideas that are specific to you in this class.
The Psychology of Buyers

While the world has changed a lot, human behavior has not changed much at all. Especially when it comes to our buying behaviors. When you understand a bit about the psychology of what we choose to spend money on, you can make a wiser decision about the niche you want to serve.
Where to Go From Here?

Once you've chosen a niche, what happens next to create a successful coaching/ expert service business? Jody will walk you through the exact process she used to build her business and the one she's helped hundreds of others use to do the same.
What if I want more?

This workshop is designed to set you up for success and if you come and participate (especially live), and do the work, you can create a business that impacts many lives and earns you an amazing living at the same time. And if you're a real go-getter and you want to keep going and get more support and tools from Jody, you'll learn how to apply for our upcoming summer program for coaches/experts on this call.
 About Jody Moore  

At the beginning of my career as a coach I had all the niche drama you might have. But after using the tools I now teach others, I picked the niche of helping moms who were members of the LDS church with their  challenges and goals and I haven't looked back. 

In my 10 years as a coach I've been honored to help tens of thousands of clients and have created a multi-million dollar business in the process.

I brought my husband home from his job, and I get to earn a good living doing something I absolutely LOVE and am very good at. Coaching.

As soon as I began seeing success in my business, people wanted to know what I was doing and I have always been delighted to share as I love the topic of entrepreneurship. I've coached entrepreneurs for over 5 years at the Life Coach School, spoken on many stages including Funnel Hacking Live, and have run high-end masterminds helping entrepreneurs reach the 100k, 500k and million dollar benchmarks in their businesses.

 Meet your coach Jody Moore  

At the beginning of my career as a coach I had all the niche drama you might have. But after using the tools I now teach others, I picked the niche of helping moms who were members of the LDS church with their  challenges and goals and I haven't looked back. 

In my 10 years as a coach I've been honored to help tens of thousands of clients and have created a multi-million dollar business in the process.

I brought my husband home from his job, and I get to earn a good living doing something I absolutely LOVE and am very good at. Coaching.

As soon as I began seeing success in my business, people wanted to know what I was doing and I have always been delighted to share as I love the topic of entrepreneurship. I've coached entrepreneurs for over 5 years at the Life Coach School, spoken on many stages including Funnel Hacking Live, and have run high-end masterminds helping entrepreneurs reach the 100k, 500k and million dollar benchmarks in their businesses.

Niche drama? I've got you.
August 22, 2024
9:00 am - 11:00 am Pacific
10:00 am - 12:00 pm Mountain
11:00 am - 1:00 pm Central
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern
Replay provided.
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